
FOREX Direction Strategy

(24 customer reviews)


ISBN: 978-83-964147-0-0
Number of pages: 232
Language: English
Format: PDF, EPUB


The Bankers don't want you to read this book

This is the world’s first book of its kind. It can be safely referred to as a pioneering initiative because it is entirely novel. How would you feel about buying a book that covers a topic that has never been covered before?

For more than 16 years, the book’s author has been researching market secrets. He eventually began keeping tabs on the activity of institutions, analysts, bankers, and other significant and powerful market participants. His efforts have resulted in this publication.

It’s more than just an ebook. This is our manifesto and an effort to demonstrate to the world that this knowledge and the methodology in which it is demonstrated are on a completely new level. This book demonstrates how to determine the goals of the market participants who determine price. It is not a technical or fundamental analytical book. It is a book about market direction, market sentiment, and how to read emotions in relation to the most crucial information. This book teaches you to think like those who are successful in the same market that you are in. It is a manifesto of information.

Let us share some crucial information with you! Each and every bit of knowledge, news, and data may be worthless on its own. You can get a helpful indication of the direction of the market, though, if you know what the best ones believe about them. Yes, you will learn the details. And the truth is that possessing this knowledge will instantly elevate you to a level that many players will never reach.

So allow us to introduce the first part of our series to you.

The Wall Street movie was key to understanding the markets

Do you remember Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street? It was interesting to consider generating money from information. This information on an American company was illegal. The information is available and legal in the forex market. They can be found anywhere. It works essentially the same. The door to success can be unlocked with just one piece of information. See the example below.


Consolidation may be seen in the oil chart above. Pay close attention to the information that appeared in the designated areas.

  • Goldman Sachs says a nuclear deal with Iran is unlikely in the near term”

First, Goldman Sachs stated that it is unlikely that a nuclear agreement with Iran will be reached anytime soon. This is a crucial event for oil. In the event of a deal, Iranian oil would be sold internationally. A rise in oil supply could cause oil prices to decline. If the market does not see a chance to make a deal, the price has the potential to rise.

  • „US retail sales data undermines the theory on gasoline demand destruction”

Secondly, in the US there were concerns about a drop in gasoline demand. However, retail sales figures showed that gasoline demand is fine, and there is no need to worry. This is another element that gave a chance to rebound on oil


Please look at the oil chart above. According to the moods, oil is rising very strongly. Before this move, two pieces of information were published! You don’t need complicated strategies. You just need to know where to look for information and how to interpret it. This is the essence of speculation


On October 3, important information was published. There was talk of cutting oil production. This information was written by ANZ bank.

  • „ANZ see a significant chance of a cut as large as 1mn barrels/day”

The market was shocked to its core. A lot of analysts began to write about it. Cutting production and limiting supply may cause oil prices to rise. Please observe what followed.


Do you already see the importance of the information? Can you see that the markets are being moved by information, data, and fundamental analysis? Everything takes place just next door. Why nobody searches for the appropriate market mechanics baffles me. The best indication of price movement is information.

Gain an advantage to keep up with smart money

Many people are shocked when they learn about the market’s sentiment. It is a way that shows market direction without adding needless complication! I’ll provide you more examples in order to persuade you to read my book and discover the true workings of the market.


Analyze the EURUSD now. The euro falls as a result of the conflict in Ukraine. However, the issues didn’t surface until after Europe experienced its first significant energy crisis in years. Gas shipments to Europe are severely constrained by Gazprom. Please view the following EURUSD chart.

the information below surfaced:

  • „Russia to slash gas supply to Europe to just 20% of Nord Stream1 pipeline capacity”

The EURUSD initially kept climbing. For speculators, however, who were unaware of the true mood and what the largest market participants had in store for them, it was a significant trap. Important key levels are another component of trading. The sentiment also describes many levels. Please review what happened next.


The sentiment was that growth was essentially a trap. Price eventually dropped, and concerns about the energy situation grew worse, keeping the euro weak.


This time, the FED’s monetary policies and other details are being discussed in the background.

At the time, there was talk of a potential slowing in the dynamics of FED interest rate rises. This, together with the strong support, made a correction highly likely.


Could not be any other way. The supply was drawn into the game once more, and those who had the knowledge won! According to the mood, the dollar declined.


  • „ING Research sees limited scope for further EUR/USD gains in the near-term.”

This comment sums it all up. Even ING stated in a detailed explanation that they anticipate a decrease in the EURUSD from the 1.0350 level.


Once again, you can see how a single piece of information can point you in the right path in the market. You may be certain that knowing this methodology will be helpful for many years. It is a genuine market, a market of enormous institutions. Understanding this will give you an advantage!


  • „Demand for safe haven assets was also stronger as the Italian political crisis worsened.”

ANZ continued to allude to the prospect of a demand for safe assets such as gold. Furthermore, the dollar’s decline at the time provided an opportunity for a larger rebound in gold. Following the release of these statements, gold continued to consolidate, but it did not break the support!


As a result, it rebounded beautifully, representing the sentiment. Please keep in mind that the market received the information; it did not immediately grow, but demand was continually monitoring the support, and there was a greater rebound in the end.

This is how the sentiment analysis appears. It is all about pulling moods from information, extracting crucial information, and then interpreting it. Do you realize how satisfying it is to be on par with the market’s major players?

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Have you ever seen a author supporting his readers?

Sure, he do it! Matt have been operating a group of traders for years who get a daily overview of sentiment and likely market direction. Furthermore, they receive press every day, and live trading. When a transaction is opened, it displays on the forum. He also keep the group informed about the real volume and sentiment.

What you will get from reading this book?

no. 1

You will understand what the sentiment is and why is it so important on the market

no. 2

You will find where to get key information and news

no. 3

You will learn how to analyze information and how to recognise the market sentiment

no. 4

You will learn how to use the sentiment to successfully navigate the market and create a daily strategy of direction

no. 5

You will learn what the flows are and how they can support your investment decisions

no. 6

You will understand how the real volume can support precision trading and, at the same time, it will be an introduction to the next part of our series

Do you want complete skills ?

Get the Series

This series makes a huge difference. Learn to think like those who move the price on the market

24 reviews for FOREX Direction Strategy

  1. David (verified owner)

    Genius! I’m starting to read the second part

  2. Nickolas

    I need to pay more attention to information. The book changed my thinking and now I know that without this information, understanding the market is impossible. A few days of observation and I feel like I know more and more. I will join trading hub soon

  3. Niels

    a completely different view of trade. I haven’t seen anything like it before. This is my second time reading the book and I learn new things each time. Cool!

  4. Shaun

    Good Job

  5. Alice

    Nice publication, something different than others

  6. John

    I’m excited and I can’t wait to see the changes in my trading

  7. Andre

    It’s amazing how you can read the direction of the market.

  8. Jeff

    it’s a good read

  9. Richard (verified owner)

    I don’t need indicators to determine market direction. This is new to me but I like it

  10. Michael

    I know that sentiment can be combined with the volume indicator, but I like blank charts and this book helped me. There is simply information that determines the direction of the market and it is worth learning. Thank you very much. it’s worth reading

  11. Paul (verified owner)

    I follow Mat on trading hub, I am impressed by his skills

  12. Chris

    this book is better than I thought

  13. Martin

    I haven’t looked at the market from this perspective, interesting

  14. Olaf

    Ein sehr gutes Buch. Ich weiß definitiv mehr

  15. Austin

    After reading it, I’m looking for information 🙂 Information has a huge impact on the market

  16. Mark

    I don’t regret the purchase. I learned a lot of new things. Thanks!!!!!!!

  17. Oliver

    Ich musste das Buch übersetzen, aber ich habe es geschafft! Ich bin zufrieden

  18. Jens

    Good buy! I will definitely buy more parts

  19. Fernando

    Grandes libros!!!!!

  20. Harry

    a new look at the market, even interesting

  21. Martin

    I start reading. Promises to be interesting

  22. James

    It’s ok

  23. Miguel

    Ótimo, estou lendo pela segunda vez

  24. Simon

    nice, but you have to read the whole series!

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